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April 22, 2021

By Kevin Ko-wen Chen, Communications Manager

With Earth Day on April 22, 菲尔德斯顿伦理文化学校社区的许多人都在思考保护环境的方法,远远超出了回收利用. 本着与整个世界相互依存的宗旨, 学院已经在环境可持续性方面采取了重大措施,其中一些措施可能会让你感到惊讶.

Want to know more? Here are eight innovative ways ECFS is going green.

1. A new standard for architectural design

Fieldston Middle is housed in a LEED Silver-certified building, 使其成为纽约独立学校中具有生态意识设计的佼佼者. Its features include waterless urinals and low-flush toilets, motion-activated light sensors and sink faucets, an interactive Green Roof for faculty and students, and a separate roof space populated by low-water plants.

According to Howie Waldman, Fieldston Upper Science Teacher and Green Dean, 顶层屋顶有助于吸收水分,否则纽约的污水系统将不堪重负. It also acts as insulation for the building, 减少采暖和制冷造成的环境损失和财务成本. Finally, in conjunction with the interactive Green Roof, 顶层屋顶是蝴蝶和其他传粉昆虫的自然栖息地, 在校园之外培育生态可持续的栖息地.

2. A slice of nature on the Green Roof

Since its inception, the Green Roof has evolved with the School, explains John Baglio, Fieldston Middle Engineering Teacher and Green Roof Coordinator. In its current iteration, it’s become a welcome space for students to gather, take a mask break, and enjoy a little piece of fresh air and nature. 新的植物和重新设计的路径邀请游客穿过绿色空间, rather than circle around it. 菲尔德斯顿中学环境俱乐部的学生们计划继续种植本地物种,并使空间更受欢迎.

“我最重要的事情是让孩子们进入花园空间——这不仅仅是一个四处走动和观看的地方, but walk into and among,” says Baglio.

3. Teaching climate change in the Fieldston Upper curriculum

With the looming threat of food crises, natural disasters, and eventual mass extinction, 气候变化是世界面临的最紧迫的科学问题之一,也是科学系长期以来希望将其纳入ECFS课程的问题. 感谢菲尔德斯顿高级科学教师Judy Cheng开发的创业基金, Palma Repole, and Ben Wearn, 菲尔德斯顿高中的每个新生现在都要在课堂上解决气候变化问题.

云顶集团整个夏天都在策划非常具体的活动和项目, specific curricular work for each of the subjects,” explains Cheng. “Ultimately, we decided that to really learn and understand climate science, it’s not just doing one project, 而是融入到整个课程中.”

Dedicated units in biology, chemistry, 而物理学则确保学生们在每一门科学学科中都能应对气候变化. Beyond the core curriculum, 学生可以在菲尔德斯顿高级科学老师胡安·博泰拉教授的气候变化选修课中进行更深入的研究.

Finally, in a tie-in to the Science Department’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, 课程将讨论气候变化对不同社区造成的不成比例的影响. “这样做的目的是让学生们了解他们在云顶集团和时事中读到了什么,” says Repole.

4. Bird-proof glass in the Tate Library

泰特图书馆的落地窗让人们可以欣赏到庭院的美景,但它们也对鸟类构成了威胁, which are at risk of flying into the glass.

As part of the Tate’s comprehensive renovations in 2018, the School installed Ornilux glass, 它使用一种紫外线反射图案涂层,人类无法察觉,但鸟类却能看到. The result is a benefit to all of the library’s patrons, 谁能欣赏菲尔德斯顿校园里的鸟类朋友.

5. Sustainability in what we eat

From sourcing to serving to waste, ECFS努力确保餐饮过程的每一个环节都是可持续的, explains Amy Van Tassell, Resident Director of Dining Services. Where possible, food products are sourced locally from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and all meat and dairy products must be hormone-free. Over the past few years, 餐饮服务团队大大减少了对一次性塑料制品的依赖, opting instead for products that are reusable or 100% compostable, recyclable, or biodegradable. And when it comes to food waste, constant monitoring of user feedback ensures that what’s uneaten is minimal; leftover meals are donated or provided to nighttime Security and Facilities teams.

6. Making vegetable bits into organic gold

If you’ve ever seen meal prep at a commercial kitchen, 你已经意识到,很大一部分食材最终都被扔进了垃圾桶. Thankfully, there’s an alternative.

For the past decade and a half, 菲尔德斯顿上层环境俱乐部一直在把餐厅里所有消费前的垃圾堆肥. Onion skins, broccoli stalks, 更多的是与在设施团队的帮助下收集的落叶结合在一起,并在现场堆肥. 然后,这些堆肥材料可以用来给校园里的植物施肥,而不会增加汽油的成本和增加碳足迹.

7. Firing up the car charging station

在菲尔德斯顿上层体育馆的后面,有一项在ECFS中宣传最少的绿色倡议, near the upper field: a charging station for electric cars. “We know that most teachers commute by car, 所以云顶集团希望教职员工能够选择购买真正节能的汽车,” explains Waldman.


8. Putting money toward renewable energy

像ECFS这样大的机构需要大量的电力才能顺利运行, explains Kyle Wilkie-Glass, Chief Operating Officer & Assistant Head of School for Strategic Initiatives. To offset its power consumption, 学院购买了可再生能源证书,以保证100%的电力来自可再生能源.

“It’s exciting moves like this that allow us to, over time, consider the utility impact on the environment,” says Wilkie-Glass.